Regardless of whether you’re in your first year or your third year, managing your finances at university is never easy. Aside from paying the monthly rent and affording the weekly food shop, you’ll probably want to be able to fund nights out in town and sport the latest fashion trends, too. UNiDays and Student Beans …
University is likely to be your first time living away from home, as it is for most students. You’ll have to learn how to cook your own meals, use the washing machine, and attend social events, whilst studying for a degree and staying at student accommodation in Liverpool. With all that newfound independence – and …
Liverpool is a fantastic city to study in. Not only is it affordable, brimming with culture and history, it’s also home to two Premier League football clubs – Liverpool FC and Everton FC – and has a bustling nightlife. There’s plenty to see and do in between lectures and on your days off! However, plummeting …
Halloween 2020 was a little different from what we’re used to. Now almost 65% of the population in England is fully vaccinated and most social restrictions are gone, we’re all excited to restore a sense of normality on 31st October! Whether you’re looking forward to spooktacular parties at your student accommodation in Liverpool or you’ve …
If you’ll be living away from your loved ones and home comforts for the first time, like most first-year students, you’re bound to feel nervous. But this needn’t be the case if you’re staying with us at Caro Lettings. We provide some of the most modern and secure student accommodation Liverpool has to offer – …
Looking for student accommodation in Liverpool that boasts all the latest mod cons and doesn’t break the bank? Not got an awful lot of time to spare? Due to the coronavirus pandemic, landlords have started to offer online viewings for potential tenants – ranging from 360° virtual tours to FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom video calls. …
Whether you’re an undergraduate or a post-graduate looking to enrol on a master’s degree, where you choose to study can have a huge impact on your experience. From cities and towns to suburbs and the countryside, universities are located in a variety of environments, and each offers a totally different experience. When choosing a uni, …
Freshers’ fair is a fantastic way to get into campus life and find out more about social events, groups, and activities. If you’re not familiar with your surroundings, you can learn a lot about places you didn’t know existed, too! And if you’re already starting to miss home after just a few days at your …
Have you heard the news? Graduation is on for both 2020 and 2021 graduates! Like every other university in the country, Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) had no option but to postpone their 2020 summer and winter graduation ceremonies due to the pandemic. However, they are well aware of just how frustrating it was for …
Gearing up to watch the UEFA European Championships? Had Friday 11th of June 2021 in your diary for months now after the 2020 Euros were postponed due to the pandemic? Us too – and the good news is, live coverage of the matches will be broadcast on both BBC and ITV. That means, if you’re …
Are you ready to emerge from your lockdown chrysalis? With both outdoor and indoor hospitality now back open for business, everything from retail therapy to catchups with mates is back on the cards – and we can’t wait! Rediscover Liverpool When it comes to “getting back out there”, Liverpool has so much to offer. Last …
Lockdown restrictions are easing and we’re now upon the long-awaited return to our favourite pubs and bars. We are all hoping for a sunny spring and summer so we can enjoy a well-deserved pint or cocktail in a beer garden. If you are stuck for somewhere to enjoy a drink outside, we’ve created a list …