Where You Can Use Your CARO Rewards Card
This year we asked ourselves what can we do to make living at Caro really special. So we came up with 2 ideas. Firstly we set out to host 3 parties every year with drinks tokens, photo booths and other themed activities. Our first party was at Soho bar for Halloween. Secondly… we have been working hard making relationships with local bars, restaurants, cafes, and shops to agree exclusive discounts for Caro students. To take advantage of these discounts collect your CARO Rewards card from City Point or the Bridewell reception. Below is a comprehensive guide of all the places you can use your discount card.

2 Concert St, Liverpool L1 4AR

Modo is at the centre of Liverpools nightlife. It is the oldest of Liverpool’s big 4 Concert Square bars (Not forgetting spoons). Modo has recently had a refurbishment with 3 new sections paradiso, gin garden & terrace!
£3.50 Doubles
£3.00 Pints
£2.00 VKs
£2.00 Bombs
All day every day
Cains Brewery Village, L8 5SD

Arcains is one of Europe’s biggest gaming arcades. 3 Floors, 2 Bars and 100s of games set to free play.
£7.50 Entry Wednesdays/Thursdays (usually £10)
17-19 Walton Rd, Liverpool L4 4AD

Zest Liverpool is a hair salon not too far from City Point. Dying your hair can be an expensive ‘necessity’ at Uni. Luckily 20% off Wednesdays and Thursday will go a long way!
20% of Wednesday and Thursdays
Lulu Treatment Rooms
91 Rupert Rd, Liverpool L36 9TD

Hair? lips? massage? semi-permenant make up? Lulu’s have got you covered. Check out all the deals and packages on there website – Lulu’s Treatment Room.
20% off
Bring a friend for 50% off
Watch this space as more discounts are coming soon!